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4 Reasons Your Company Needs to Send You to Wellspring

We’ve all heard it—two heads are better than one. In 2010, a study at the University College London revealed why that isn’t just an idle adage. Researchers found that people were more able to successfully solve complex problems when they were able to combine forces, provided that they were of the same intellectual capacity and felt comfortable discussing disagreements. It’s not surprising. We see this over and over throughout history—innovations, business, and industry have the most staying power when developed over time with multiple people. Why would wellness be any different?

Wellspring, the first-of-its-kind wellness expo this October in Downtown Palm Springs, is an opportunity to put all our heads together to envision and lay groundwork for the future of wellness. Thought Wellspring was just another Wanderlust Festival to practice yoga and mindfulness? Think again. Featuring a scheduled stacked with groundbreaking panels, business development opportunities, and boasting a roster of industry leaders you won’t find anywhere else, Wellspring is an essential event for anyone working in wellness or curious about how to begin. Here’s why.

Don’t need to read on to know you just have to be there?
Here’s why your company needs to send you—and a template to ask. You’re welcome.


Did we mention the killer roster of industry leaders? If innovation happens when two heads work together, imagine when those heads hold the minds of Russell Brand, Glennon Doyle, Alicia Silverstone, or Ken Nwadike. Panels were curated with our famed Speakeasy platform as backbone, but these are not one-way lectures for passive listening. Leaders are coming primed and excited to interact with participants, fostering a dialogue about the future of wellness that will bring us into the future of this fast-growing sector.


Hardly anyone loves to network, but imagine taking a spin class next to your wellness idol. Nothing like a little sweat to break the ice! Not only does Wellspring provide an opportunity to rub elbows with leaders, but to meet and engage with peers and, potentially, future colleagues. Strike up a conversation with anyone, and it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll walk away inspired and having learned something new.

Note: The Wellspring Scholarship option ensures that you’ll have the chance to meet people from all walks of wellness. Apply here.


We believe that most innovation in wellness in the next decade will come from the private sector, in particular from the thousands of small brands who are working to make healthy food, mindfulness practice, fitness, supplements and treatments mainstream and accessible to all. Don’t let your brand fall behind by not being a part of the movement. Meet potential consumers, and create brand loyalty by participating in an event that extends beyond your bottom line.

Custom Experience

With six specially-curated tracks—two of which are geared specifically toward wellness in business—there’s something for everyone. Spend Friday learning the Business of Well, with specially tailored panels and workshops to navigate conscious capitalism and mindful entrepreneurship. Explore how to take your personal wellness brand to the next level, or bring home techniques to share with your company.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this groundbreaking fitness-festival-meets-idea-summit—your voice has an important place in this community. We can’t wait to put our head together with yours.

Get your tickets today!


The post 4 Reasons Your Company Needs to Send You to Wellspring appeared first on Wanderlust.

from Wanderlust https://ift.tt/2BNUiNK
4 Reasons Your Company Needs to Send You to Wellspring 4 Reasons Your Company Needs to Send You to Wellspring Reviewed by Dr. Swatee on August 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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